Goodwill Earns GuideStar Award

MERS Goodwill Earns GuideStar Platinum Seal of Transparency


We are so excited to announce that MERS Goodwill has earned the Platinum Seal of Transparency from GuideStar, the highest level of recognition offered by the world’s largest source of nonprofit information. By sharing quantitative metrics that highlight progress, MERS Goodwill is working toward both achieving its mission and helping donors move beyond simplistic ways of nonprofit evaluation.

How did we reach this Platinum level? MERS Goodwill has added extensive information to its Nonprofit Profile on GuideStar including in-depth financial information, qualitative information about goals, strategies, and capabilities and quantitative information about results and progress in its mission. By taking the time to provide this information, MERS Goodwill has demonstrated its commitment to transparency and to giving donors and funders meaningful data to evaluate MERS Goodwill.

We have chosen to display quantitative metrics such as the number of participants who gain employment, average wage (in dollars) of clients served, and the number of clients satisfied with employment training services to represent how MERS Goodwill is working toward achieving our mission. We have also implemented five goals within our current strategic plan to achieve our mission of changing lives through the power of work:

  1. Develop and maintain mission-related programs and services that meet the needs and preferences of our consumers and the changing demands of employers.
  2. Manage agency finances so operations are efficient for current services, stable for future growth, and flexible for new opportunities to meet the needs of our consumers, partners, and funders.
  3. Recruit, develop, and retain a team that is excited about the agency’s mission and strives to exceed customer expectations.
  4. Increase community awareness of the mission of the organization, its capabilities, and its accomplishments.
  5. Develop and implement a plan that optimized the efficiencies and effectiveness of our existing stores and continues the growth of our donated goods division.


If you would like to know any more information about MERS Goodwill’s Nonprofit Profile on GuideStar please visit MERS Goodwill-GuideStar.