Month: November 2016

3 Easy Do it Yourself Holiday Crafts

By goodwill / November 28, 2016 / Comments Off on 3 Easy Do it Yourself Holiday Crafts

The holiday season is one of the most magical times of the entire year. Everyone you meet seems to be a little happier as they share their holiday cheer with friends and family members. The holiday season is also a great time to enjoy a few DIY crafts to decorate your home or outfit you…

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Thankful For…..

By goodwill / November 23, 2016 / Comments Off on Thankful For…..

  Thanksgiving is a perfect time of year to count your blessings and acknowledge what or whom you are thankful for this seaon. MERS Goodwill is thankful for YOU! Without all of those who support Goodwill with contributions/donations to our 44 retail stores, we would not be able to live out our mission: “Changing lives through…

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Decorate for Thanksgiving with Goodwill

By goodwill / November 16, 2016 / Comments Off on Decorate for Thanksgiving with Goodwill

With Thanksgiving only a week away, it’s time to start prepping your festive holiday table and home décor. MERS Goodwill stores are stocked up with all kinds of Thanksgiving decorations such as candles, fall arrangements, seasonal photo frames and baskets. There are numerous fun and creative DIY projects that will give your home a chic…

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Honoring Our Veterans through Employment Services

By goodwill / November 10, 2016 / Comments Off on Honoring Our Veterans through Employment Services

We take a day to honor our Veterans for their service to our country, but are we really honoring them? According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, in 2015 there were 21.2 million veterans and 4.6 percent of those veterans were unemployed. MERS Goodwill is striving to heighten the opportunities for our military veterans. Referred…

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Ferguson Forward Program Provides a Path to Employment for Aspiring Nurse Practitioner

By goodwill / November 10, 2016 / Comments Off on Ferguson Forward Program Provides a Path to Employment for Aspiring Nurse Practitioner

Alexis Brown is a caring and determined young woman, proving with her determination and focus on becoming a nurse practitioner what we all believe is true: that with hard work and perseverance, no obstacle is too great to overcome. After having been laid off at a major corporation a year earlier due to significant cutbacks,…

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STL Youth Jobs

By goodwill / November 7, 2016 / Comments Off on STL Youth Jobs

MERS Goodwill is proud to partner with United Way of Greater St. Louis to support many initiatives and programs like STL Youth Jobs. STL Youth Jobs is a civic collaboration providing meaningful employment opportunities for at-risk youth ages 16-23 from St. Louis City to North County. It is programs like these that take young adults…

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3 Easy DIY Home Decorating Hacks with Tablecloths

By goodwill / November 2, 2016 / Comments Off on 3 Easy DIY Home Decorating Hacks with Tablecloths

How many times have you thought about redecorating your home, and your first idea involved a tablecloth? Probably not too many times, right? The common tablecloth is often overlooked as a decorating item because few people use them. However, tablecloths have many different uses and can spruce up a home for little to no cost!…

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