youth empowerment

Paying it Forward: Celebrating National Mentoring Month

By goodwill / January 30, 2017 / Comments Off on Paying it Forward: Celebrating National Mentoring Month

January is National Mentoring Month. Created in 2002 by The National Mentoring Partnership and the  Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, this month highlights the continuing need for mentors within communities. National Mentoring Month, also known as NMM, strives to raise awareness of mentoring in its many forms from formal educational programs to causal…

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Ferguson Forward Program Provides a Path to Employment for Aspiring Nurse Practitioner

By goodwill / November 10, 2016 / Comments Off on Ferguson Forward Program Provides a Path to Employment for Aspiring Nurse Practitioner

Alexis Brown is a caring and determined young woman, proving with her determination and focus on becoming a nurse practitioner what we all believe is true: that with hard work and perseverance, no obstacle is too great to overcome. After having been laid off at a major corporation a year earlier due to significant cutbacks,…

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